Use These Tips to Meet Your 22-Hour SureSmile Wear Time

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — pc_dentistry_team @ 12:13 am
Young woman pointing at her teeth, holding SureSmile aligner

In order for SureSmile clear aligner treatment to be successful, you should keep your aligners in your mouth for 20 – 22 hours each day (22 hours is preferable). That might seem like a big task — after all, 22 hours is more than 90% of each day! However, you can comply with this requirement if you make some simple adjustments to your habits. This blog post explains why the 22-hour wear time is so important and how you can keep up with it.

Why Is the 22-Hour Rule So Important?

SureSmile works because its aligners apply consistent, gentle pressure to the teeth. Over time, that pressure instigates micromovements that shift your teeth toward their ideal positions. Every time you remove one of your aligners, that pressure stops, and so does your treatment’s progress.

If you consistently fail to wear your aligners enough, you might find that subsequent aligners in your series are very uncomfortable to wear. They might not even fit on your teeth. Ultimately, you could end up significantly delaying the final results of your treatment.

How to Keep Your Aligners in Your Mouth 22 Hours a Day

Here are some tips to help you keep up with your SureSmile wear time:

  • Watch the clock at meals. If you are not a big breakfast person, try to have your aligners out of your mouth for no more than 15 minutes in the morning. Allocate 30 minutes for lunch and 60 minutes for dinner. Within those 60 minutes, you should be able to enjoy a nice meal (and dessert if you wish) and have time to attend to your nightly oral hygiene as well.
  • Consume enough food. Frequent snacks throughout the day will reduce your total SureSmile wear time. Try to eat enough at your main meals so that you will be less likely to snack between them. Eating enough protein, fiber, and healthy fats can help you to stay satiated for several hours at a time.
  • Use an app. The TrayMinder app, which is available for both Android and iOS, can help you to keep track of your aligner wear time.
  • Aim for efficiency. While your aligners are out of your mouth at dinnertime, place them in a cleaning solution to soak.
  • Start wearing new aligners at bedtime. Transitioning to a new aligner at night lets you sleep through the first part of the adjustment period, which can help you resist the temptation to remove the aligner.

Keeping SureSmile in your mouth for 22 hours a day might seem like a difficult task, but as long as you stick to a good routine, you should have no problem keeping up with your treatment instructions!

Meet the Practice

Drs. Venn Peterson and Spenser Cammack are proud to provide top-quality oral health services to the Lacey, WA, community. SureSmile clear aligners are among the many treatments they offer. If you are interested in straightening your teeth and want to learn more about what to expect throughout treatment, our team would be happy to answer your questions. Contact our office at 360-459-4420.

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